The HTML parser syntax errors

Syntax errors are sent to the standard output device. The line and column of the syntax error is also provided. The parser produces the following syntax errors:

Unknown tag <tag>
The parser does not reorganize the tag.
<!doctype> cannot be redefined
The document type statement appears more than once in the file.
<!doctype> must appear before <html>
The document type statement must appear before any text or HTML markup.
</tag> does not exist
The tag does not have a closing tag, for example </br>.
<tag> is not currently open
The closing tag is not matched by a previous opening tag.
<tag> adding missing <missing¡tag>
A required container tag was not found, but was inserted by the parser.
ignoring <tag>, no enclosing <enclosing¡tag>
An orphan tag was encountered, which cannot be corrected, such as <param> without an enclosing <applet> tag.
<tag> has already been closed
The definition tag (such as <head>) was previously closed, possibly as the result of another tag, such as <body>.
<tag> is already defined
The definition tag (such as <head>) has already been defined.
<tag> cannot be placed after <other tag>
The tag, for example <head> is placed out of order, after the <body> tag in this case.
not an HTML file (no <html>, <head>, <title> or <body> before #PCDATA)
The parser does not recognize the text file as being HTML. The file will still be read, and all words parsed. The words will be added to the body list.
expecting '>' after SGML markup
The > character is missing from the end of a SGML markup tag.
expecting '-->' to end SGML comment
The SGML comment is not correctly terminated, for example <!-- comment >
incorrect SGML comment syntax
The SGML comment is incorrectly tagged; for example <! comment -->
expecting '>' after markup name
The HTML markup tag was not correctly terminated, for example <samp
missing attribute name before '='
No name was found before the '=' character.
ignoring redefinition of attribute 'attr'
The tag attribute is defined more than once.
expecting attribute name
The attribute name was not found after the tag name.
expecting attribute value
The attribute value was not found after the '=' character.
attribute value must be quoted
The attribute value contains characters which must be enclosed in quotes. Only letters, numbers, the '.' and '_' characters can appear without quotes.
unterminated literal
The attribute value has no terminating quote, for example "java.html.
empty literal
The quotes attribute value contains no characters; "".
expecting '>' after end markup name
The HTML end markup tag was not correctly terminated, for example </samp.
numeric entity exceeds 65535
The numeric entity &#number; is larger than the largest Unicode character.
expecting ';' after numeric entity
The numeric entity is missing the ';' terminator.
'amp¡ent' is not a valid ampersand entity
The ampersand entity is unknown. The current list of ampersand entities is given in the appendix Ampersand entities. This error could be due to a missing ';' terminator such as R&ampD.
expecting ';' after ampersand entity
The ampersand entity is missing the ';' terminator.
Ill formed URL escape
The escaped URL character is not a two hexadecimal character sequence. A correct sequence is, for example, %7e or %7E for the tilde character '~'.
reserved URL characters must be escaped
The character must be converted into an URL escape sequence.
missing schema before ':'
The URL has no schema (http, ftp, mailto etc) before the schema delimiter character ':'.
missing <tag> before <other¡tag>
A required container tag was not found, for example a <li> tag before text within a <ul> tag.
<tag> cannot be contained by <container¡tag>
The tag cannot appear within the container tag, and cannot be corrected by the parser. The tag is ignored.
<tag> must contain at least one element
The container tag is empty, (has no elements), when the HTML 3.2 DTD defines the tag as requiring one or more elements.
assuming <end¡tag> closes <tag>
The parser is correcting for a tag mismatch, such as <h1> ...</h2>.
<tag> cannot be used in <container¡tag>
The tag cannot appear within the container tag. The parser corrects by closing the <container-tag>.
missing <tag>
An obligatory tag such as <title> was not found in the HTML file.
missing <body> or <frameset>
The HTML file contains no displayable text.
warning: uses deprecated tags
Deprecated tags were found in the HTML document.
warning: uses extensions to the HTML 3.2 DTD
Browser specific extensions were found in the HTML document.
warning: has unknown tags
Unknown tags were found in the HTML document.
expecting </end¡tag> before <tag>
An obligatory end tag was not found, such as the </title> tag before a <body> tag.
expecting </end¡tag> before end-of-file
An obligatory end tag was not found when the end of file was reached.
warning: missing <!doctype> declaration
HTML DTD 3.2 compliant documents require a <!doctype ... > statement.

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